There are 20 hookup sites in the "Maple Tree" camp that each have electrical (20/30/50amp), sewer hookup, and a water hydrant. You see this camp immediately upon driving in. Each site is approximately 50 by 100' with a leveled, gravel, pull through drive. There is a picnic table and fire ring. You may want to bring your own grill or cooking rack. The shower house is located in the center of the hookup sites.
$49/night. ($55 if reserving 1 night on Friday or Saturday.)
Electricity is included in the rate.
Bringing horses? Corrals are nearby. $10/horse/night.
This beautiful, new addition was built to serve our long-term guests staying 30+ days. Turn into the north entrance and drive past the original "Maple Tree Camp". Tucked back out of sight, this quiet area has 18 full hook-up sites; numbered 21-38. 20/30/50amp with individual electric meter, water hydrant, picnic table and fire ring. Long-term rent starts at $750/month plus electricity (paid by the guest). Private, end sites are $800 and $850/month plus electricity. The main shower house/laundry is available to all guests. Guests bringing horses must use the corrals closest to Maple Tree Camp.